SYNOPSYS Application Security Testing
Fuzzy Testing
ISO 21434 defines three cybersecurity goals, with the primary goal being to secure the vehicle, which refers to protecting the vehicle itself from attack and damage. This requires ensuring that vehicle systems are able to detect and prevent attacks in real time when faced with an attack, while also protecting critical components such as the vehicle’s control system and fuel system. According to ISO 21434, measures to achieve cybersecurity goals can be summarized into five aspects of cybersecurity concepts, including prevention, detection, response, recovery and verification.
Synopsys Defensics is a black box fuzzer, meaning it doesn’t require source code to run. With Defensics, users can secure their cyber supply chain to ensure the interoperability, robustness, quality, and security of software and devices before introducing them into IT or lab environments. Fuzz testing aims to address the infinite space problem: There are endless ways to misuse software. Defensics’ intelligent, targeted approach to fuzzing allows organizations to ensure software security without compromising product innovation, increasing time to market, or inflating operational costs.

A comprehensive fuzzing framework
- The generational fuzzer takes an intelligent, targeted approach to negative testing.
- Advanced file and protocol template fuzzers enable users to build their own test cases.
- The SDK allows expert users to use the Defensics framework to develop their own test cases.